Monday, June 17, 2024

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Sunday, June 16 Sun, Jun 16

InfoComm 2024’S Wrap-Up Shows Bigger Las Vegas Numbers Than Orlando’s From 2023; And, Las Vegas Is Getting Too Expensive (16:9)

by Dave Haynes. There was some casual chatter around InfoComm last week that the show seemed a bit slow, but the numbers now released by show owner and operator AVIXA tell a different story – with counts up in terms of attendees, exhibitors and show footprint. Total registrants for InfoComm 2024 were just shy of 37,000 (36,967) and the verified attendance count was 30,271. […]
Sun, Jun 16 at 11:04 PM

Friday, June 14 Fri, Jun 14

Thursday, June 13 Thu, Jun 13

Infocomm 2024: Samsung Introduces E-Paper Display based on E Ink technology (Invidis)

Following in the footsteps of PPDS and Sharp, Samsung has unveiled its professional full-color e-paper display solutions for digital signage applications, designed for extremely low power consumption. The first product in Samsung’s line is an ultra-thin 32-inch screen. Samsung, like PPDS, Sharp, and Dynascan, utilizes e-ink displays, specifically the latest Spectra 6 technology. […]
Thu, Jun 13 at 9:44 PM

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