16:9: DSE Extends 2016 Speaker Deadline
Digital Signage Expo has extended its deadline for speaker proposals for the 2016 educational conference to the end of this week. […]
Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 4:50 PM
Digital Signage Expo has extended its deadline for speaker proposals for the 2016 educational conference to the end of this week. […]
The embedded business unit of VIA Technologies in Taiwan – which has a big office in Silicon Valley, as well – has done a worldwide survey of end-user customers to get a sense of where they’re at with using Android. Some 93% of the roughly 250 respondents indicated they are either currently using or are considering using Android for an embedded project in the near future. […]
The Source Opens Newly Designed Interactive Store at Toronto’s Yorkdale Mall (CNW Group/The Source) Canadian gadget retailer The Source – once known as Radio Shack up here – has opened its first experiential format store in an ongoing effort to “reinvent” the brand and shopping experience. […]
Remarkable film and local television archive footage of British life will be broadcast across Ocean’s large format digital out of home screens in a partnership with the BFI which launches Britain on Film today. Britain on Film is a new project that reveals hidden histories and forgotten stories of people and places from the film and TV archives of the UK. […]
Via PSFK This is a clever use of augmented reality that happily doesn’t require the experience to happen through the lens of a smartphone screen. The French supermarket chain Système U used gesture cameras, software and a large video wall at a store to deliver a fun way of communicating the origins of some of its key products. […]
The outdoor mall become one of the first to integrate the digital and brick & mortar elements into a single cohesive customer experience with LED billboards, wayfinding kiosks, video walls and more. […]
Even the market’s implosion is nothing compared to what’s happening to some individual China-based stocks with shares trading on major U.S. exchanges. The worst Chinese stock since the June top is Airmedia Group, which sells ad space on TV screens on planes as well as outdoor billboards and other displays. […]
The recent dust-up over signs in Times Square – questions surfacing if government was pushing to remove these icons – focused me on the connection between our business and city life. First, to be clear, signs in Times Square aren’t going anywhere. A press frenzy, fueled by wild exaggerations in the blogosphere, has fizzled. […]
To get the scoop on where the media economy really is, Media Life spoke with Jon Swallen, chief research officer at Kantar Media, for his take on why ad spending is down, whether it will rebound later this year, and why some traditional media are faring better than others. Many of the largest advertisers cut back on advertising in first quarter. […]
CANNES — You might expect that vertically-oriented video would present a challenge to advertisers, who, traditionally, have redeployed ad creative first designed for TV’s landscape screen. But GroupM chief digital officer Rob Norman has a positive spin on the problem – don’t think TV, think bus stop ads. “I was having a meeting with JC Decaux. […]
Don Allman, president & CEO of Titan, has been voted onto the Digital Place Based Advertising Association's board of directors. Titan is a transportation sales company focused on providing programs for municipalities and transit agencies. Titan is merging with Control Group to form Intersection. […]
Ocean has today launched its annual competition to foster the best creative work in DOOH advertising, including full motion, subtle motion and interactivity – Ocean Digital Creative Competition. […]
JCDecaux SA (Euronext Paris : DEC), the number one outdoor advertising company worldwide, has been awarded with the “Grand Prix Design de la Réussite” award by Matthias Fekl, Minister of State for Foreign Trade, the Promotion of Tourism and French Nationals Abroad, during the “Janus de l’Industrie” ceremony organised by the French Institute of Design. […]
The new members are: Canadian Digital Network Ltd. and “Canadian Digital Network. Signpatico Digital AdvertisingThe Canadian Out-of-Home Measurement Bureau sets the industry standard for measurement of OOH advertising audiences across Canada. […]