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Tuesday, February 23, 2016 Tue, Feb 23, 2016

Primesight strikes ‘hyperlocal’ DOOH ad targeting deal (Mediatel)

Outdoor advertising is continuing to make the most of digital with the news that real-time programmatic company Crimtan has signed a multi-year partnership deal with out-of-home ad specialists Primesight. Crimtan's technology will allow Primesight clients to "amplify" their OOH campaigns with location-based digital display ads by targeting web and app users in the same locations. […]
Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 6:03 PM

Digital signage business sentiment in Benelux optimistic (Digital Signage Summit)

The Digital Signage Business Climate Index in the Benelux region has increased by 2,35 base points from 59,25 base points to 61,59 base points. The satisfaction with the current business situation for products and services in the Digital Signage and Digital out of Home industry has further increased. While the outright positive assessment of the situation has slightly declined. […]
Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 5:30 PM

Digital signage software provider YCD Multimedia joins Out-of-Home Video Advertising Bureau Europe (OVAB Europe)

 YCD Multimedia, the global provider of advanced digital signage software solutions, recently announced its corporate membership of industry advocacy group OVAB Europe (Out-of-Home Video Advertising Bureau). The OVAB’s mission is to raise awareness and to establish digital out-of-home communication as an independent and accepted media within the media landscape in Europe. […]
Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 9:37 AM

Infographic: Mobile gamers notice OOH ads and act on them (Posterscope USA)

Mobile Gamers are self-identified gamers who also regularly play games on their phone. Posterscope’s Outdoor Consumer Study (OCS) comprehensively profiled Mobile Gamers through the lens of Out-of-Home media and placed relevance to exposure and engagement. The infographic below showcases consumer insights and media consumption habits for Mobile Gamers. […]
Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 9:06 AM

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