embedsignage.com Updates V4 Cloud-based Digital Signage Software
The content management system has been enhanced to offer a more robust layout builder and user interface. […]
Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 3:53 PM
The content management system has been enhanced to offer a more robust layout builder and user interface. […]
Leader in cloud-managed 4G LTE networking accelerates expansion of company and solution portfolio for digital out-of-home applications. […]
The PT-RZ12K projector boasts light weight and high frame rate for the delivery of high-quality images. […]
Your opinion is biased, and unbiased market research is expensive. Evaluate your content by giving yourself honest answers. […]
It seems all that incredible digital in the LAX International Terminal – done by Moment Factory and Digital Kitchen – will have to share air time with content that pays the bills. JCDecaux has sold one of the first digital outdoor sponsorship campaigns on the digital clock tower in the post security area – marketing a Tiffany & Co. […]
Paris, 13 April 2015 – JCDecaux SA (Euronext Paris: DEC), the number one outdoor advertising company worldwide, and number one in self-service bikes, announces the launch of self-service electric bikes with a lightweight portable battery (where users will rent their own personal battery). […]
Lockheed Martin's Aeronautics division created its Velocity News Network as a more effective, company-wide platform to strengthen overall communications. […]
What are the best practices in testing emergency notification functionality on large-scale digital signage networks and in networks with decentralized management methods of tracking compliance? […]
This article was first published on The Independent. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/the-media-column-the-music-business-is-starting-to-think-the-next-big-thing-is-just-a-computer-algorithm-away-10171475.html?origin=internalSearch The web revolution promised consumers a cornucopia of choice. […]
Doing posts on every version release of ALL the signage software companies out there would make for a very busy job, and probably a very boring blog. So while I am happy to learn that Brand X now does this and that, or has made something easier or added support for some gadget, I’m not going to post on all of it. […]
Choice fatigue sees users now relying on just a few trusted websites and social media recommendations from friends to find content Advertisers need to find more creative and innovative distribution and targeting strategies to effectively cut through the noise London, 9 March 2015: More than half of people have stopped looking at lots of internet sites for content because there is now too much choice and information on there, according to latest research from global media agency, Carat. The data from the Consumer Connection System (CCS) – Carat’s proprietary research and insight tool surveying 11,000 British consumers and their media habits – shows that 55% of users say they only use two or three trusted sites for their content discovery, instead of spending time surfing hundreds of sites. The top 5 trusted sites for content in the UK according to CCS are: 1. […]
The single most important thing to know about developing a content strategy is: Do you have an objective and can you clearly define it? […]
Spaulding Boston rehab hospital opened new digs on that city’s waterfront about two years ago, and the facility is full of different video wall configurations all built around driving the hospital brand and inspiring patients and families going through the recovery process from injuries and illnesses. […]
Exterion Media and NEC Display Solutions partner to transform ordinary journeys for London commuters with the launch of DX3. […]
The convenience store chain is moving away from traditional signage to give the brand a more modern look and feel. […]