SO MOnday
Hewie Dalrymple and Abbey Torrance round up the best social and mobile news from the past week. Microsoft releases the Attention Span Study and Test How often are you multi-tasking? […]
Mon, May 18, 2015 at 6:28 AM
Hewie Dalrymple and Abbey Torrance round up the best social and mobile news from the past week. Microsoft releases the Attention Span Study and Test How often are you multi-tasking? […]
Elle invited 600 magazine fans to the shoot, each receiving a full make over. An Instagram image of each styled reader, through our moderation system, became part of the Ad campaign. ‘HERO’ then automatically took a picture of the screen and posted it back to Instagram. […]
You may remember that clever hair products digital poster in a Swedish subway – where the model’s hair was swept by the tunnel winds of an approaching train. The US Lifetime TV network has borrowed on that idea for a set of posters promoting a biopic about Marilyn Monroe. […]
I blabber a lot these days about how live data is the content gift that can keep on giving, so I was happy to get an email today about a cool new project in Philadelphia that outs the idea in practice. […]
When I am consulting with clients I speak a lot about moments and relevance – putting screens and content in place that really speak to that moment. […]
Now you can buy a flat panel display that runs the open source Firefox browser. The first Panasonic VIERA Smart TVs powered by the Firefox OS are now available in Europe, and will be available worldwide in the coming months. Granted, the panels are Smart TVs and not commercial displays, but we all know many, many small business signage installs with TVs. […]
Social currency is the Holy Grail for brands as they attempt to tap into an evolving, increasingly fragmented consumer journey. Finn Roantree, Communications Planning Executive at Carat, looks at how brands can capture this elusive element of success. […]
Location-based marketing allows a greater level of consumer engagement by delivering messages and promotions to consumers at the right place and the right time. […]
Lenovo is the latest mainstream PC maker to crank out a Chromebox – something called a ThinkCentre Chromebox Tiny. […]
The large aftershock that took more lives this week in Nepal is a reminder, if one was required, that help is still very much needed in that country. There are several video PSAs available, via DOOHgood, to run on signage networks. […]
It would be easy to think everybody seems to have an iPad, because an awful lot of people do. But new research shows even more people have cheap Chinese tablets with brand names on them that are wholly unfamiliar. The research firm Strategy Analytics says sales of white label tablets now out-strip sales for tablets by Apple, Samsung, Lenovo and other familiar brands. […]
Here’s an interesting use-case for projection mapping – crowd control. Canada’s Wonderland – a big theme park on Toronto’s outskirts – does a nightly projection mapping show on the park’s fake mountain structure near the entry/exit gates. It closes the park’s evening, and pulls people from all over the park to see the mountain transformed. […]
Red ink seems to follow Wireless Ronin around, even as the company is now part of Creative Realities. The company has released its 2014 financials, which are something less than stellar and may support the rumour that the business is for sale. Adrian hangs out with money guys like Marc Boidman, so I pretty much assume his post is accurate. […]
Infocomm is a month out and I am starting to stockpile shirts and anti-perspirant in anticipation of several days in the steam bath of Orlando. I’ll take 115F and bone dry in Vegas any day over 95F and 95% humidity in central Florida. I’m going for several reasons: 1 – DSE gets so busy I kinda run through the display vendor booths, and InfoComm allows me a better look. […]
Several Atlanta-area news organizations are reporting how someone hacked (presumably) into a large digital billboard running on a building in ritzy Buckhead – switching out booked ads for a pic of a guy mooning. Like serious mooning. Big bend over yuck. […]