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New DSF Chairman Richard Ventura: DOOH is a global business and DSF is a global entity

By Nurlan Urazbaev,
Editor-in-Chief, Digital Signage Pulse

Friday, January 27, 2017

I spoke with the new Chairman of the Digital Signage Federation Richard Ventura about the trade organization’s plans for 2017.

This year the Digital Signage Federation (DSF) is taking a more active part in the educational program at DSE. Could you please explain what exactly you are doing and why.

The DSF has always been very active in the educational program at DSE. Many of our members and our leadership have supplied guidance, shared expertise and given presentations during previous DSE conferences and other educational events. This year we are excited to expand our engagement by helping DSE to develop the agenda, actually producing and hosting the DOOH pre-show conference on the Tuesday before DSE.

Three major factors have driven the DSF to step up its involvement:

– Launch of the DSF Ad Council, Global Expansion of the DSF, and the DSF’s leadership within the DOOH space. Last November, at the DSF’s event during the New York Signage Week, we announced the creation of the Ad Council. The purpose is to educate, engage and grow all aspects of the DOOH ecosystem. With focus on each part of the ecosystem the DSF is creating a stronger understanding of what is needed to help all parts grow and deliver value, revenue, and growth.

– This leads to the global expansion of the DSF. As you know, last year we announced our collaboration with DSF Europe. DOOH is truly a global business. As an industry, we need to think and act globally, and with the DSF being a global entity we are positioned to create a truly global conference, sharing best practices from around the world.

– Lastly, a majority of the DSF constituency are suppliers and consumers of DOOH solutions. Regardless of the size of the organization, there are needs that the DOOH conference can fill and the DSF is best positioned to drive this educational message.

Richard Ventura

Your new educational event at DSE is focused on the DOOH advertising aspect of digital signage. Why this focus and why now?

The DSF has always focused on the DOOH market. Many of our members are network operators, suppliers, brands, and analysts/consultants for the DOOH space. We truly represent multiple aspects of the DOOH community. However, what we have seen is that there is a need to support this industry more broadly and at a much higher level.

With focus on each level of the ecosystem, and we can truly develop a stronger understanding of analytics, programmatic buying, audience measurement tools, connection of networks with brands and agencies, driving of standards, and being able to deliver this globally and to organizations of multiple sizes. We feel it is important to expand the focus beyond the top 10% of organizations, which is why the DSF’s efforts are and will be focused on the entire industry.

Could you please, in broad strokes, summarize the state of the DOOH industry and where it’s heading?

I am very excited about the state of the DOOH industry. We are seeing expansion of global networks, amazing levels of audience measurement, increased engagement from brands, and movement towards programmatic buying and delivery. However, we still have a long way to go.

There are many conversations with network operators on the need for stronger standards, more focus on networks of multiple sizes and better practices for measuring and monetization of networks. This is where the DSF can truly be a major asset to the industry.

What is DSF’s agenda for 2017?

The DSF has three major items on the agenda for 2017:

– The first is the continued growth of the industry as a whole: globally and locally. With the continued growth of DSF Europe and expansion into other markets the DSF will continue to deliver education, collaboration, and engagement for our current and future members.

– The second is our focus on growing the DOOH industry with the creation of the Ad Council. We see this as an important need for our industry and is a global need.

– The third is to enhance the engagement with the integrator community. This is important for the industry to truly grow. The integrators are important for all markets to grow and through education, certification, and standards the DSF sees this community as a key for all of us to flourish.

Considering that there are several trade organizations in the US whose activities overlap in the DOOH, digital signage and digital place-based media industries, how would you define the DSF’s niche?

I wouldn’t say we have a niche. If you look at the other organizations, their focus is singular. The DSF is the only non-profit global association focused on all aspects of digital signage and DOOH. We represent all parts of the ecosystem. Just look at the make-up of our Board of Directors: we have representation from: Network Operators, Brands, Content Creation, Integration, Installation, Sign Industry, Manufacturers, End Users, Manufacturers, Consultants, Designers, and Software providers. What other board or membership can you say has this kind of mix?

We aren’t the spearhead of the industry, we are the actual spear. We have positioned the DSF to drive the industry forward as a credible advocate who has the ability to impact the growth of organizations of all types and sizes, delivering value to the networks, brands, and consumer.

Last year DSF established affiliate relations OVAB Europe which rebranded itself as DSF Europe. How is this relationship going and what’s new on that front?

DSF Europe is amazing. They are much further ahead of North America when it comes to DOOH and we both can learn a lot from each other. We have very aggressive plans to grow DSF Europe and many of our current DSF members are excited about tying in their European counterparts. Through this relationship we will be able to deliver education, content, curriculum, and eventually certifications globally. No other digital signage focused organization can say this. These are really exciting times.

Are there any other plans for international expansion for DSF?

Yes, we are definitely looking at future expansion. I would say keep your eyes and ears open.

Who would benefit from joining DSF?

A better question would be who doesn’t benefit from joining the DSF? Anyone doing business around DOOH, digital signage, corporate communications, digital menu boards, content, hardware, services, installation, advertising, sales: you name it… all will benefit. The key is to be there to help the DSF grow and I always tell people that you will you get out of the DSF what you put into it. It is an exciting time to be a part of the DSF and to be a part of accelerating the growth of this industry.


Published on Friday, January 27, 2017 at 12:58 AM

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