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Monday, March 29, 2021 Mon, Mar 29, 2021

Five Cautions About Financing a Billboard With a Loan (Billboard Insider)

Last week we discussed the pros and cons of billboard lease financing.  Today we discuss the pros and cons of bank and private loan financing. Banks usually have the cheapest loans because they have a low cost deposit base.  And banks are often big enough to grow with you as your company’s credit needs expand from $1 million to $20 million.  Some things to think about. […]
Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 6:23 PM

The Importance of Sales Call Preparation (Billboard Insider)

Experience is a great teacher but the tuition is too high.  Sales managers expect you to get out and “sell something!”.   I don’t know any sales manager who challenged someone to “get out and solve some problems.  On an early sales call I was excited about selling.  I wanted to sell/tell.  I hadn’t considered the prospects needs.  The prospect owned five supermarkets.  A few minutes into the meeting he looked at me with exasperation and said “you really don’t know anything about me or my company, do you?  I think we should end this meeting.”  He basically threw me out.  I was mortified!  I learned a priceless lesson that if a prospect honors you with a meeting you are obligated to make it valuable.  I learned to promise prospects that whether they buy from me or not they will benefit from the meeting. […]
Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:45 AM

16:9: Here’s A Modest But Good Example Of How DV LED Offers Up Design, Install Flexibility

One of the key arguments made for using direct view LED is its modularity – the ability to build a video wall that meets shapes that aren’t just 16:9 rectangles. Here’s a modest little DV LED video display done by integrator AVI SPL for Advent Health, that shows what can be done with LED, that couldn’t really be done with LCD or OLED. […]
Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:36 AM

16:9: Real Estate Developer Uses Anamorphic Illusions on Indoor Corporate LED Video Wall

New anamorphic 3D visuals on big LED boards located in public plazas in Asia seem to be popping up more and more on feeds like Linkedin. Like this one with a Star Trek craft flying out of a building corner. Here’s a very different take – a corporate office in Vancouver, BC that is using anamorphic visuals (viewed from a certain angle, 2D graphics look three-dimensional) for business messaging. […]
Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:00 AM

Allsee’s Players Get an Update: Better Hardware and Improved Thermals, Same Price (Allsee)

As well as maintaining the ability to transform existing screens into networked digital signage displays and allowing remote content updates via our cloud-based CMS, these media players now include a whole host of extra features:       Upgraded Android Version Upgrading from Android 4.2.2 to 5.1.1 ensures these media players are faster and easier to update, as well as broadening compatibility with third-party applications. […]
Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 4:35 AM

Sunday, March 28, 2021 Sun, Mar 28, 2021

Two Cautions About Financing a Billboard With a Lease (Billboard Insider)

Several companies offer lease financing for billboards.  They offer fast approval.  They often do 100% financing.  Financing charges are falling and reasonable.  And collateral is limited to specific assets.  Insider computed a financing charge of approximately 8% on the most recent billboard lease he examined.    There are two disadvantages of financing your billboard with a lease. […]
Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 1:45 PM

16:9: Irish Firm Planning Giant LED-Driven Selfie Statues in 21 Cities Around Globe

Via Invidis An Irish company, based in Dublin, is pitching to put 21 giant LED-driven statues in 21 cities around the world, by the end of 2021. The statues have addressable LED units and support some basic movement, making it possible for the things to feature famous people, but also capture, map and then display giant selfies of the people who pay to see the attraction up close. […]
Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 1:07 PM

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