Monday, March 10, 2025

Editors’ Picks

Monday, April 11, 2016 Mon, Apr 11, 2016

16:9: Digital signage software co. 22 Miles calls Four Winds patent lawsuit meritless

The wayfinding-centric signage software firm 22 Miles, Inc., based in Silicon Valley, has issued a statement responding to the lawsuit last month by Four Winds Interactive, of Denver. The statement issued April 8th says the lawsuit, alleging patent infringement and related activities, is meritless and that the company will vigorously defend itself in court. […]
Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 9:02 PM

New Clear Channel out-of-home data and analytics tool draws objections from privacy advocates (Luxury Daily)

Clear Channel Outdoor Americas (Clear Channel), one of the world’s largest outdoor advertising companies, announced the launch of “Clear Channel Outdoor RADAR,” a new data and analytics tool designed to assist advertisers and advertising agencies with identifying and reaching their target audiences through geolocation information. […]
Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 6:41 PM

Should you operate your digital signage network in-house or outsource the operation? (DSConnection)

On what basis should a network owner/operator make the decision to operate the network in-house or outsource the operation? This week’s question is answered by members of the DSE Advisory Board INDUSTRY CONSULTANTS COUNCIL “To me, this comes down to a financial evaluation, based on the size of the owner’s organization. […]
Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 2:50 PM

Sunday, April 10, 2016 Sun, Apr 10, 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016 Fri, Apr 8, 2016

Digital signage-based poll asks, Clinton or Trump? Respondents say ‘Other’ (DSToday)

A recent digital signage-based political poll conducted by EYE Play in bars, clubs and high-energy venues across the U.S. shows that in a Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton race, 40 percent of people would rather cast a ballot for an independent, unknown or other candidate. Clinton trailed Trump by approximately 6 percentage points in the poll. […]
Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 4:17 PM

Is there a future for traditional sign shops in the face of digital signage? (DSToday)

What is the future of traditional sign shops in the face of digital signage? Are there any digital signage opportunities for sign shops in this dynamic signage market that's projected to swell to $20 billion by 2020? First of all, $20 billion is quite impressive, considering that the digital signage market as we know it today is only about 10 years old. […]
Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 4:12 PM

BS Alert from 16:9: The Crowd Now Reviewing Digital Signage Software, Mostly Using Martian

When Google Alerts popped up a press release this morning celebrating “NAVORI QL PROFESSIONAL AWARDED BEST DIGITAL SIGNAGE SOFTWARE ON CROWDREVIEWS.COM,” I was fairly amazed the Navori guys would make hay over an award from a highly dubious crowd-sourced review site. But they didn’t. The news release was generated by the highly dubious review site. […]
Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 10:42 AM

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